Arts & Culture | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

San Francisco
Arts & Culture

San Francisco is a city of inspiration. 你可以在你周围看到它,在你访问的任何社区.


贝博体彩app的艺术界充满活力和活力, with a rich history of artistic tradition, from murals to cutting edge performing arts. Today, 这座城市是一个繁荣的艺术家社区的家园,他们在各种媒体中工作, 从绘画和雕塑到录像和表演艺术. In its energy, its diversity, and its creativity, 贝博体彩app的艺术场景体现了海湾之城的所有优点.



Your Guide to San Francisco Film Festivals

We may be 400 miles north of Hollywood, but San Francisco has its own exciting, creative, and diverse film culture. 找出你下次入住期间将放映的电影节.

Lights! Camera! Action!

San Francisco On Screen

贝博体彩app一直是一些非常受欢迎的电影和电视节目的取景地, and many were shot on location around the city. 在你的下一次旅行中,你会发现如何去一些你最喜欢的地方.

Feel Like A Movie Star

The Exploratorium

Described as a mad scientist's penny arcade, a scientific funhouse, 还有一个实验实验室, 探索博物馆被认为是世界上最重要的互动式科学博物馆. 有超过650个动手展览,点燃好奇心,改变人们的学习方式, visitors of all ages can play, observe, and discover.

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贝博体彩app现当代艺术之家, and the first of its kind on the west coast, 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆展示了打破界限的绘画作品, sculpture, and photography. 探索七层楼的建筑,它本身就是一个建筑奇迹. Book your tickets ahead of time. 

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Dancer in the Carnaval celebration

Explore San Francisco's Cultural Districts

贝博体彩app在保留其社区的特色、社区和历史方面处于领先地位. 参观我们城市的文化区,体验正宗的当地风情.

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Arts & Culture

How Visitors See San Francisco