如果有一个城市的一部分,游客-无论是第一次和多次-等同于贝博体彩app, 这是渔人码头.
欢快的铃声 缆车 bells; the sights, sounds 和 smells along busy Jefferson Street; the renovated historic red-brick factories; the steaming street-side pots of Dungeness crab—all help make Fisherman’s Wharf the city’s top-rated tourist attraction year after year.
散步 码头39. The repurposed wooden finger-pier is now festooned with 餐厅, 纪念品商店, street performers 和 attractions such as 海湾水族馆 和 的传单. 乘船游览 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 和天使岛是受欢迎的景点,停泊在海德街码头的历史悠久的船只也是如此. 现在你可以乘坐旋转缆车鸟瞰城市和海湾 天星观景轮.
雾港鱼屋, Pier Market, 和 Wipeout Bar & 烧烤
这三家位于码头39的海滨餐厅提供优质的服务和可持续的海鲜. For family-friendly dining, visit Wipeout Bar & 烧烤. 从烧烤鲑鱼到大蒜烤邓杰尼斯蟹,都可以去码头市场. If you're looking for elegant dining with breathtaking views, make your reservation at 雾港鱼屋.
Enjoy fresh seafood at a number of 餐厅 including Scoma的, 方济各螃蟹餐厅 和 雾港鱼屋. 曾经的巧克力工厂位于 吉尔德利广场 现在是一个漂亮的购物和餐饮综合体,在那里你仍然可以得到美味的圣代吗. And for the 21-和-over crowd, you must visit 布埃纳维斯塔咖啡馆 to warm up with one of their legendary Irish coffees.
- 你知道吗?? Crab Louie Salad was invented in Fisherman’s Wharf. 这是一小部分Dungeness蟹肉加上渔夫Tom Castagnola用千岛调料发明的酱汁. The Crab Louie quickly became one of the Wharf’s most popular dishes.
海湾水族馆提供了与当地海洋生物难忘的邂逅,激发了人们的好奇心和保护意识. 海洋自然中心拥有300英尺的透明丙烯酸隧道,可容纳700人,000 gallons of carefully maintained bay water that sustains approximately 20,生活在附近水域的5000只动物. Aquarium guests are treated to mesmerizing walls of jellies, can have up-close encounters with tide pool animals, delight in the antics of playful river otters, 还有更多.
Looking for thrills 和 adventure on the bay? 码头39 features the 7D Experience, the most advanced film attraction in the world. 体验过山车的刺激和与电影本身互动的乐趣, 都不用离开座位. XD黑暗之旅设有一个最先进的环绕立体声数字影院, 3 d效果, full motion seats 和 the newest in laser technology. 这个互动式景点让观众中的每个人都可以在各种场景中竞争获得最高分,因为你可以在僵尸启示录中炸毁坏人, 外星人, swashbuckling pirates 和 even robot cowboys in the Wild West.
爬进一个飞行剧院,感受无与伦比的感觉,通过贝博体彩app最具标志性和令人叹为观止的地标. 的传单 creates a sweeping experience for all your senses. 在金门大桥上发射, 倒在科伊特塔上, 穿过伦巴第街和唐人街, 和 soar through the Redwood National Forest.
公共交通是参观渔人码头的一种方便、简单和受欢迎的方式. 湾区各地区都有渡轮、有轨电车、火车和公共汽车.
- The F-Line streetcar runs between the Castro neighborhood 和 渔人码头. 它沿着市场街一直延伸到Embarcadero的渡轮码头大楼,然后向西转向码头.
- 您也可以从鲍威尔街和市场街乘坐鲍威尔-海德缆车或鲍威尔-梅森缆车前往码头.
- 乘坐8路、30路、39路或49路公交车
《蚁人 (2015)
《公主日记》 (2001)
初级 (1994)
死亡彩票 (1988)
一种杀手锏 (1985)
突然的影响 (1983)
一次又一次 (1979)
高焦虑 (1977)
When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping in 联合广场. 事实上, 在一个拥有丰富的城市购物中心的小镇, 联合广场 is the most renowned source of 零售 therapy.
SoMa / Yerba Buena
In the 1970s, industry moved out 和 artists moved in. 现在,SoMa有很多值得体验的地方,包括这个国家最美丽的棒球场.
托尼·班尼特(Tony Bennett)的《我把心留在贝博体彩app》(I Left My Heart in San Francisco)中,那些爬上星星半途的小缆车正在爬诺布山, the historic 和 iconic neighborhood of San Francisco.
Embarcadero /金融区
From captains of the high seas to captains of industry, 人们经常从Embarcadero开始他们的贝博体彩app之旅.
The Marina's boutiques 和餐馆 attract a hip, 年轻人群, while the views 和 stately homes of Pacific Heights take your breath away.
San Francisco’s 结合 is the oldest in the U.S. From its famous Peace Pagoda to a variety of great eats, learn about this vibrant historic neighborhood.
宝塔式建筑, 华丽的灯柱, 异国情调的菜单和其他独特的元素, a stop here can feel more like a trip abroad than a neighborhood stroll.
海景区的 is the sunniest neighborhood in San Francisco, 35人的家,000居民, 筑巢的鱼鹰和一些最都市化的, 城市里有各种各样的景点和美食.
The 任务的区 is one of San Francisco’s most of-the-moment neighborhoods, 到处都是引领潮流的精品店, 餐厅, 和更多的.
在金门公园内,你会发现湖泊、花园、博物馆、高尔夫球场和一群野牛. The Sunset offers a zoo, views of the Pacific Ocean 和 tasty eats.
The southern anchor of the 金门大桥, 青翠的, 风景优美的要塞, 巧妙地回收了Crissy Field, 和内战时期的Point要塞只是小镇西北角的几个景点.
This gem of an isl和 offers a bustling urban winery scene, popular flea markets 和 photo ops of San Francisco's downtown skyline.